Starting with a 6:00 timecap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
15 Snatches (95/65lbs)
5 Wall Walks
50 Double Unders
12 Snatches (135/95lbs)
*If completed by the before the 6:00 timecap, add 3:00 to the timecap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups
50 Double Unders
9 Snatches (185/125lbs)
*If completed by the before the 9:00 timecap, add 3:00 to the timecap and complete:
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups
50 Double Unders
6 Snatches (225/155lbs)
5:00 Row or Bike @Z1 or Conversational Pace
2 sets
McGill Curl: x5/side
Bird Dog: x8/side
Hip Fire Hydrant: x10/side
Hip 90/90 Rotation + Extension: x6/side
Banded Lateral Walk: x50ft/side
Banded, Glute Bridge with Abduction: x10-15
Banded Shoulder Int/Ext Rotation: x10/side
Wall Angel: x20
Wall Leaning Tibia Raise: x20
Wall Leaning Calf Raise: x20
General Warmup:
2 sets
Quadruped Shoulder Taps: x10*
Scap Push Up: x10
Push Up: x8
*Slow and controlled
2-3 sets
Snatch Grip RDL: x3
Snatch High Pull: x3
Muscle Snatch: x3
Snatch Push Press: x3
Overhead Squat: x3
Work up to your second to last planned weight for 2 Snatch singles
Specific Warm Up:
3 sets @ 70-80% pace
2 Wall Walk
15-20 Double Unders
3-5 Snatch (Set 1@95/65lbs – Set 2@135/95lbs – Set 3@185/125)
1 set
3-8 Strict Handstand Push Ups
3 Snatch Singles @185/125lbs
Pacing / Strategy
23.3 is mostly about managing upper body fatigue and competence with barbell cycling. Pacing may be a factor for some, but the pacing will likely be more important in regards to delaying the inevitable burnout of your shoulders. Most of the time we talk about pacing in regards to aerobic ability or limitation but that is not likely going to be a factor in this test. All of our considerations should really be focused on making sure that we can be repeatable under fatigue and having a plan to mitigate shoulder fatigue.
At the highest levels, there will likely be two potential limiters, upper body fatigue or burnout on the snatches. Having good strict handstand push ups shouldn’t necessarily give you a green light to move too fast in the first two rounds. While this test is structured as such, those first two rounds are where the burnout of the upper body will start to be established. Instead of looking at this from the perspective of having good handstand push ups or not, we recommend considering how much upper body fatigue will settle in due to the cumulative volume between the wall walks, dubs and snatches as a whole. Just because you have the ability to do 20+ strict handstand push ups, don’t bait yourself into doing the first two rounds close to 3:00. That’s worth talking about because most Quarterfinal level athletes will likely have the capacity to do those first two rounds very quickly. Wall walks are tough, but 5 is a trap to make you go fast.
Similar to the wall walks, snatches will feel very light and easy. We will likely see some at the highest levels pull off some monster sets at the heavier barbells, but that isn’t a plan we recommend for most. Even at the first bar, there is no reason you should feel like you have to go unbroken. Planning a strategic break will more than likely help you manage the overall fatigue. Not that doing the first round unbroken or not is going to be a game changer for you, but we want to get the point across that the overarching theme is delaying the fatigue of pressing and stability muscles as much as possible. The second round should most definitely be done in singles. Again, there will be some outliers, but that is something that the majority should consider.
We have done plenty of max effort, strict handstand pushup work and heavy snatches both under considerable fatigue over the last 9 weeks. For handstand push ups, we recommend taking a cluster approach. Even for those doing singles, taking short and calculated breaks is our general guidance. You never want to push your Handstand push-ups so much that you’re forced to resort to singles. Like we always say, give in to performing singles or small sets before the workout forces you to. Snatches will be different due to the fact that the majority of you will do singles after the first set. Still though, taking a cluster approach especially for the 135/95lbs bar will be important.
For those looking to put up a great score in the first 6:00 piece or just barely get out of it, we have the same overall guidance, just a truncated version. The only difference is we recommend you build your pacing over the workout. Start slow and calculated, understand it will feel very easy for you as well just like those at the highest levels. The change will be towards the end of the workout because you need to close harder than those who are looking to finish for a Quarterfinals level score.