24.3 Strategy Guide



For Time:

5 Rounds

10 Thruster 95/65
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Rest 1:00 and start the next segment

5 Rounds
7 Thruster 135/95
7 Bar Muscle Up

Timecap: 15:00

Warm up:


3-5:00 Row or Ski @ Z1 Pace
Pigeon Pose: x:30/side
Couch Stretch: x:30/side
Doorway Chest Stretch: x:30/side
Preacher Stretch on Box: x:30
Hip 90/90 Rotation + Good Morning: x6/side
Inch Worm: x10
Wall Angel: x10

1-2 sets

Bird Dog: x10/side
Fire Hydrant: x10/side
Deadbug: x10
Glute Bridge with Abduction: x10

General Warm Up:

1-2 sets

Hollow Hold + Hollow Rock x0:20 + 10
Arch Hold + Arch Rock: x0:20 + 10

2 sets

DB Cuban Press: x8-10
Banded, Straight Arm Lat Pull Down: x15
Scap Pull Up + Strict Pull Up + Beat Swing: x8+ 3+ 5

Specific Warm Up:

Air Bike:

3 sets

:20 Build Up
:10 Sprint
:30 Easy Spin

1-2 sets @ 80-90% Pace

5 Pull Ups
5 Thrusters @ 95/65

1 set @ Event Pace

5 Chest To Bar
3 Thrusters @ 95/65

1 set @ Event Pace

3 Bar Muscle Ups
3 Thrusters @ 135/85


In classic CrossFit Open fashion, we close out the 2024 Open with Thrusters and Pull Ups. This is a standard pairing of movements that we use in CrossFit often. While it’s easy to get distracted with all the high level skills and heavy weights that competing in CrossFit has to offer, it’s important we are always paying attention to the fundamentals and basics. The first step is to ensure you are reading the standards and making sure you fully understand the expectation of 24.3. If the skill or weight in this workout is overwhelming for you, pacing will be a consideration. A pace comparable to 24.2 is advisable if you are a candidate for having to do so.  

For everyone else looking to get a top time in this workout, get ready to WORK at 3, 2, 1, Go!  At the highest levels, both workouts or segments will be performed unbroken. For those looking to have elite scores, there aren’t many things to think about or strategize on this one. The one consideration is that the workout is won on the second segment. Do not try to win the first piece because the heavier weight and higher skill lives in the second piece. You’ll need to push the pace however with some reserve knowing that your real workout starts after the rest. You need to plan on fast and short cycle time on Chest to Bar Pull Ups, making sure you are not over gripping the bar on your Thrusters and plan on pulling the bar down and actively driving your hips for the barbell.  Managing rest periods or transitions between movements is also going to be important. Resting BEFORE starting Thrusters or C2B/BMU is not a good idea if you want a top score. Resting between movements is a guaranteed way to waste more time than necessary. If you know you’re going to break movements, have a plan to do so from the beginning and only rest on those breaks!! We don’t want to get in a position where you’re resting before picking up Thrusters, then breaking them up and resting in between!  The relationship between the first and second piece will mostly be about managing grip fatigue. Outside of that there aren’t many other considerations. Those who cannot perform the Bar Muscle Ups unbroken will have to strategize their breaks. We recommend breaking your sets down into cluster sets.  

Remember, if you want a truly good score you need to TRUST your fitness and go right from the beginning. We are not advocating for you to sprint from the beginning but you do need to move hard and with purpose from the start.  As always, good luck and remember to work hard! 

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