Wza Qualifiers Strategy Guide Week 1

Workout 1

9:00 AMRAP:
+3 Hang Power Snatches (75, 55lb)
+3 Overhead Squats (75, 55lb)
30 Double Unders

– Add 3 repetitions to each of the barbell movements (3/3/30, 6/6/30, 9/9/30, 12/12/30… etc..) at the conclusion of each round.

Time-Cap: 9 Minutes

Top score splits: 438

1. 3 – :29
2. 6 – 1:10
3. 9 – 2:00
4. 12 – 2:59
5. 15 – 4:09
6. 18 – 5:30
7. 21 – 7:15 15/6HPS
8. 24 – 24/24/12

Yves-Éric Pilote International qualifier wod 1 2019


Event Notes/Strategy


Structural Limiters; Grip, Shoulder and Feet. Holding on to the barbell both at the hip and overhead plus an elevated volume of jumping will play a significant role on structural limitations.

Major aerobic limiter to be considered as well. In order to have a successful score you need to have a smooth, repeatable flow and movement patterns as long as you can.

Grip fatigue will settle in at a different rate for different athletes, this needs to be considered heavily when formulating your strategy compared to other athletes.

Grip has to be managed depending on what your strategy and limitations are. This should be relative to the individual.

Men may want to consider using a women’s bar, providing more whip while cycling it and preventing grip fatigue over time.

Opening hands at the top of each Hang Power Snatch. Grip is a major factor in this workout, you’re trying to recover and mitigate it as much as you can, this will helo your hands and forearms last longer.

Controlling the bar drop, do not let it bounce and get out of reach.

Flow of your floor. Position everything so it’s within reach, do not waste time on long transitions from movement to movement.

Smooth and repeatable transitions while you have control. Moving faster than you can maintain leads to erratic movement patterns and the need to adjust mid workout, keep all reps smooth and controlled.

Lightly bounce reps. Bouncing the bar from the power position is the fastest way to cycle the barbell for this workout, practice and pattern during your warm up to have the most efficient barbell cycling possible.

Top score from 2019 only dropped the bar on Hang Power Snatches during the set of 21 for a 10 second break.

Never drop the bar on Overhead Squats, your priority is to complete these unbroken, you cannot afford to waste time on breaks.

Warm up

General Warmup:
3:00-5:00 on Rower, gradually increasing effort

Banded, Foam Roller Overhead Wall Slide: x15
Weighted, Y/T Raise: x8+8
Hip CARs: x8/side

Wall Leaning Tibia Raise: x20
Banded TKE: x20/side
Poliquin Step Up: x15/side

Bird Dog: x10/side
Hip Fire Hydrant: x10/side
Deadbug: x10
SL Glute Bridge: x15/side

Specific Warmup:
3 sets @ Empty Barbell
5 Snatch Grip RDL
5 Tall Muscle Snatch
5 Paused, OHS
0:30 Jump Rope Singles or Slow Doubles

2 sets increasing pace every set
6 Hang Power Power Snatch (75/55)
6 UB OHS (75/55)
15-20 Double Unders
0:30 Rest/transition

*Take 5-10:00 and spend some extra time working on any body part you feel is not properly activated or still feels tight. We don’t suggest waiting more than 10:00 from the completion of your warmup to the start of your workout

Workout 2

5 Rounds x 2:00 AMRAP
20 Bar-Facing Burpees
Max Effort Clean & Jerks
1min rest

Time Cap: 14 Minutes

20 Bar-Facing Burpees,

R1: 95, 65 lb
R2: 135, 95 lb
R3: 185, 125 lb
R4: 225, 155 lb
R5: 275, 185 lb

20 Bar-Facing Burpees,

R1: 75, 55 lb
R2: 95, 65 lb
R3: 135, 95 lb
R4: 185, 135 lb
R5: 225, 155 lb


Event Notes/Strategy


It’s easy to look at this workout and be worried about the weight. Most of the attention needs to be focused towards tempo on the first 2-3 bars and burpees.

By the end of this workout you would have performed 100 burpees and a very high volume of fast, touch and go ground to overhead.

We can’t say for sure until we see this workout tested, but we feel strongly that the largest impact to your score will come in the first 3 rounds.

The first 3 rounds will award the best athletes who move the most efficiently. Burpee rhythm and pattern will play a significant role in not only aerobic fatigue but also structurally from the perspective of mitigating how tired your back is going to get from all the hinging.

3-5 seconds matter much more in the first 2-3 rounds than the last 2 rounds. The time it takes you to cycle the lighter barbells is much shorter than the time it will take you to complete an attempt at the heavier ones.

An interesting strategy may be to push close to threshold early on and pull back on the later rounds. Think about the benchmark “Grace”… Those first 2-3 rounds should have a “Grace” look and feel. While it might hurt…. It’s definitely the best way to rack up reps while the bar is still manageable.

This is especially impactful for those who have a strength limiter on any of these weights. For those folks, you need to take that guidance to another level. Your intensity needs to be even faster on the light bars.

A two-foot takeoff for the Burpees is not required, however, the athlete must be clearly jumping over the bar with both feet in the air as you pass over the bar. Stepping over the barbell is not permitted. This standard should not be new to you since it’s the same one that was introduced by CrossFit on this 2022 season.

Structural limiters could be grip for many, and back fatigue for some. The time spent under tension holding a barbell will play a factor for many due to the importance we’re putting into pushing for the first few rounds.

Warm up

General Warmup:
3-5:00 on Bike, Gradually increase effort

Birddogs: x10/side
Banded Lateral Walk: x50ft/side
Hip 90/90 Stretch: x0:20/side
Hip 90/90 Rotations: x6-10/side

Prone Swimmers: x10
Prone Scorpions: x5/side
Inchworms: x5
Prone Cobras: x10
Pushups + Shoulder Taps: x10+5/side

Specific Warmup:
Empty Bar Warmup::
BB RDL: x10
BB Front Squat: x10
BB Push Press: x10

1-2 Rounds:
5-8 Bar Facing Burpees @ Workout Pace
3-5 Tng Clean + Jerks (@ Round 1 Weight)
Air Bike: 0:20-0:30 Hard Effort
Rest 1:00

1-2 Rounds:
5-8 Bar Facing Burpees @ Workout Pace
3-5 Tng Clean + Jerks (@ Round 2 Weight)
Air Bike: 0:20-0:30 Hard Effort
Rest 1:00

1 Round:
5-8 Bar Facing Burpees @ Workout Pace
5 Clean + Jerks (@ Round 3 Weight)
*Not Touch and Go, perform fast singles
Rest 2:00

1 Round:
5-8 Bar Facing Burpees @ Workout Pace
3 Clean + Jerks (@ Round 4 Weight)
*Not Touch and Go, perform fast singles
Rest 2:00

1 Round:
5-8 Bar Facing Burpees @ Workout Pace
1-2 Clean + Jerks (@ Round 5 Weight)
*Not Touch and Go, perform fast singles

*Take 5-10:00 and spend some extra time working on any body part you feel is not properly activated or still feels tight. We don’t suggest waiting more than 10:00 from the completion of your warmup to the start of your workout

Workout 3

For Time
600Ft Shuttle Run
60 Pull-Ups
400Ft Shuttle Run
40 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
200Ft Shuttle Run
20 Bar Muscle Ups

Time Cap: 10 Minutes


Event Notes/Strategy


3000 feet of running in this year’s Qualifier workout, this is 1200 feet. Understand that the running is so short that you will likely push your pace but it is inconsequential. Let’s face it, this is all about managing gymnastics fatigue.

Managing that fatigue is individualized but no one should be planning on huge or max effort sets. Knowing how and when to break will be a determining factor on how we you’re going to perform in this workout

Our guidance is to treat these more like cluster sets, where you pick an amount of reps that is repeatable for several sets with a strict amount of resting in between. Going into this workout without a set strategy will result in failure to move efficiently and get the most out of your capacity.

Do not overshoot on your rep count, it’s easy to think you can rep bigger sets resulting in fatigue and extended rest periods that will damage your performance in this workout.

Understand that due to the structure of this workout, you will likely feel like you are doing gymnastics the whole time, running will not play a major role or give you significant rest so you need to manage that rest in cluster sets during your gymnastics segments.

Warm up

Dynamic Running Warm Up:

As a warm-up, perform each of the following across 25-50ft with no more then 0:30 rest in between each:
Knee to Chest
Figure Four
Lunge with Twist
*Add more movements as you feel necessary to complete your warm-up

1-2 Sets:
Prone I/Y/T’s: x8
Foam Roller, Overhead Wall Slide: x10

1-2 sets
Hang from Pull Up Bar: x0:15-0:20
Scap Pull Ups: x8-10

1-2 Sets:
Straight arm banded Lat Pulldown: x10
Strict Pull Ups: x3-5

Specific Warm Up:
1-2 Sets:
300ft Shuttle Run
Pull Ups*
Rest 2:00

1-2 Sets:
300ft Shuttle Run
Chest to Bar Pull Ups*
Rest 2:00

1 Sets:
200ft Shuttle Run
Bar Muscle Ups*

* There is no set number of reps you should do in warmups, this is dependent on your strategy and what your sets will look like
* Ideally you will perform a number of reps in warm up similar to whatever your first planned cluster set for that movement will be